Miss United Nation International 2019

Marie-Hélène Mallet
Marie-Hélène Mallet is 29 years old and is from New Brunswick on the Canadian East Coast. Marie-Hélène’s goal in life was always to be happy, she learned early enough that if she wanted a happy and healthy life, she had to find a career where she helped the world in her own way. At a very young age, she heard about social work and was always curious about this career, she started her post-secondary adventure in university to become a social worker. With the fast pace of university and living a sudden loss of a very close family member, she decided to put it on hold to travel and gain life experiences. She got to know herself and returned to college to study business administration as she was unsure what she wanted in life being only 19 years old at the time. Business administration was easy for her, she grew up with a lot of mentors as her grandparents had a business of their own that they later passed on to her father and brother who runs the family business since. In 2011, she graduated with honors and decided that her calling was still a career in social work and help others. Three years later, she receives her Bachelor in social work degree and started her journey. In 2016, she decided to not only gain work experience but to continue her study and gain more knowledge by enrolling a part-time master’s degree in social work that she is still working on to this day. After only four years in the field and a lot of hard work, she obtained her dream job being a Clinical Coordinator for the Child and Youth Mental Health team in the school setting. Marie-Hélène is thriving by helping clinicians provide the best support, help and service possible to child and youth that struggles with mental health or addictions problems.
Marie-Hélène is involved in her community as she believes if we all give a little of our time, we will make a strong and resilient community like the Acadian culture raised her. She strongly believes in helping others and is involved with many organizations such as the Alzheimer Society, the Heart and Stroke Foundation and local committees like the recreational committee in her region to ensure an active community. She also enjoys volunteering at charity events, fundraisers for organizations or for people that are ill or requiring health treatments. One of her goals this year and in life is to be a positive role model for others to reach their goals and work to achieve their dreams. She is involved in many pageants because she knows pageants gave her the self-confidence she needed to become the woman she is today. Pageants for her are a big factor in her career as she gained a lot of skills like public speaking, networking, creativity and especially teamwork.
Life is a journey, not a destination is her favorite quote because she believes everything is achievable if you work hard for it. It’s not about the destination but about the beautiful path you will be on to get to that destination and the learning opportunities that will matter at the end.